Tears of A Lamb (Hitsuji no Namida?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Banri Hidaka.  

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tears of A Lamb (ひつじの涙, Hitsuji no Namida?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Banri Hidaka. It was originally serialized in Hana to Yume in 2002, with the individual chapters collected and published in seven tankōbon volumes by Hakusensha. The story focuses on Kei Hasumi an anorexic teenager girl in love with her brother's friend Kakeru Suwa, who lost his memory. Kei searches for the ring he'd given his girlfriend to try to help him recover his memory. She is aided by Kyosuke Kanzaki, a classmate who is in love with her, who lives in an apartment where Kei believes the ring may be.
It is licensed for English language release in North America by CMX Manga, which released the first volume in January 2008

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