Kiddy Grade is a 24 episode science fiction anime series produced in 2002 and created by gímik and Gonzo Digimation and directed by Keiji  

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kiddy Grade (キディ・グレイド) is a 24 episode science fiction anime series produced in 2002 and created by gímik and Gonzo Digimation and directed by Keiji Gotoh. The series is licensed and distributed in North America by FUNimation Entertainment. The series currently airs on the FUNimation Channel in both its "syndicated block" and its 24-hour channel. In 2007, the series was re-released as three movies (each 80–90 minutes in length) to specific Japanese theatres.
The individual titles for these films are
Ignition (initial screening 2007-04-07, DVD released 2007-07-27)
Maelstrom (initial screening 2007-06-23, DVD released 2007-09-28), and
Truth Dawn (initial screening 2007-09-01, DVD released 2007-12-21).
In October 2006 news of a Kiddy Grade sequel was announced, under the working title of Kiddy Grade 2 (キディ・グレイド2) (K-G.2), to be animated by asread (Shuffle! anime). A DVD containing a 7-minute preview of the new series was released on 2007-05-25 but nothing further was heard until, on February 26, 2009 it was re-announced under the new title Kiddy Girl-and (キディ・ガーランド, Kidi Gārando) along with news of a new manga adaptation, Kiddy Girl-and Pure (キディ・ガーランド ぴゅあ, Kidi Gārando Pyua). The anime is now being produced by studio Satelight, based on a story by gímik that is set two centuries further into the future, in the Star Century year 0379, and introduces two new female characters, Ascœur (アスクール, Asukūru) and Q-feuille (ク・フィーユ, Ku Fīyu). The manga version, with story by Hidefumi Kimura and art by Yukari Higa (Shina Dark), is being serialized in the Comp Ace magazine, starting from March 26, 2009

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