Kaze no Stigma began as a light novel series, written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kaze no Stigma began as a light novel series, written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto, serialized in the Japanese seinen light novel magazine Dragon Magazine, published by Fujimi Shobō, a subsidiary of Kadokawa Shoten. It began serialization in January 2002, and as of April 2007, is still running. Eleven bound volumes have been published — six main volumes and five short story compilations. The latest main volume was released on October 20, 2005, and the latest short story volume went on sale in Japan in December 2007.
A manga series illustrated by Neko Miyakai began serialization in the Japanese shōnen manga magazine Monthly Dragon Age on April 9, 2007. As of March 6, 2008, two bound volumes have been published by Fujimi Shobō.
See also: List of Kaze no Stigma episodes
Gonzo's Kaze no Stigma animated TV series aired on Japanese broadcasting channels between April 11, 2007 and September 20, 2007, containing twenty-four episodes; it aired in a late night slot. The series was directed by Junichi Sakata. The first DVD release of Kaze no Stigma was released on August 242007. It will be released by Funimation in 2009. [1] The anime's opening theme is "Blast of Wind" by Saori Kiuji. The first ending theme is "Hitorikiri no Sora" by Saori Kiuji and the second ending theme is "Matataki no Kiwoku" (瞬きのキヲク?) by Ayumi Fujimura, Yuka Inokuchi and Shizuka Itō.
The major difference between the novel and the anime is the significant darker tone in the novels. The character of Kazuma is much darker in the novel, which depicts him killing most of the antagonistic characters in the series while the anime changes these deaths so Kazuma is uninvolved with them. Other scenes involving gruesome deaths are simply removed
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