A manga adaptation, drawn by Japanese artist Kira Inugami, started serialization in the seinen magazine Comp Ace on January 26, 2007  

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A manga adaptation, drawn by Japanese artist Kira Inugami, started serialization in the seinen magazine Comp Ace on January 26, 2007, published by Kadokawa Shoten. An anime by the animation studio Zexcs began airing in Japan on January 4, 2008 on the Fukui TV television network. The maxi singles containing the game's opening and ending themes were released at Comiket 70 in August 2006. The game's original soundtrack came bundled with the original game as a pre-order bonus. The name H2O comes from the first letter of the three main heroines: Hayami, Hinata, and Otoha. Footprints in the Sand comes from a poem; the first part of this poem appeared in episode one of the anime and the second half in the final episode.

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