Kanon is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Key and released on June 4, 1999 playable on a Microsoft Windows PC
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kanon (カノン?) is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Key and released on June 4, 1999 playable on a Microsoft Windows PC. An all ages version for the PC was released in January 2000, and was later ported to the Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable. The Kanon Standard Edition was released for the PC as an adult version in November 2004 and an all ages version in January 2005. Both Standard Editions are playable as a DVD-ROM and incorporate the extra graphics added to the earlier all ages version of the game, added support for Windows 2000/XP, and other technical changes such as more save slots. The gameplay in Kanon follows a linear plot line, which offers pre-determined scenarios and courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters.
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