An anime adaptation under the original title Hatenkō Yūgi aired in Japan on the Kyoto Broadcasting System television network between January 5 and Mar  

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The manga version, written and illustrated by Minari Endoh, originally started serialization in the Japanese shōnen manga magazine Monthly G Fantasy on November 18, 1999, published by Square Enix, and ran in that magazine until June 28, 2002 when it was switched over to the shōjo manga magazine Monthly Comic Zero Sum, published by Ichijinsha. Due to the publisher switch, the first three volumes that were out at the time were re-published by Ichijinsha and released on August 26, 2002. As of December 25, 2007, ten bound volumes have been released in Japan. The manga has been licensed by Tokyopop for English language distribuation in North America, and the first volume was released on January 10, 2006. As of January 6, 2009, ten volumes have been released in English.
An anime adaptation under the original title Hatenkō Yūgi aired in Japan on the Kyoto Broadcasting System television network between January 5 and March 7, 2008, containing ten episodes. The opening theme is "Heartbreaking Romance" by Kanako Itō, and the ending theme is "Te no Naka no Eien" by Kaori Hikita.

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